Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Studying the Beginning of Creation

Studying the beginning of creation
University of Texas at Arlington

By: Ken Ingle Freelance writer

In July of this year, 13 years of effort at the University of Texas at Arlington will pay off. In Geneva, Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), more commonly know as CERN, will accelerate the first protons to within one billionth of the speed of light.
UTA, as at a number of universities, is busy finalizing work that it is hoped will result in a mini "big bang" at the largest and most powerful proton collider ever built. When the giant machine at CERN accelerates its first protons, they’ll be looking for particles that existed only at the first instant of time.
The project is so big that no one group can undertake it. The LHC, is intended to look at the very beginning of the universe, a fraction of a second after the big bang. The machine will accelerate a stream of protons, traveling in opposite directions, each with energy seven thousand times their original mass, to a collision. If all goes well, great science will be realized.
The University of Texas at Arlington has brought the attention of physicists across the nation to North Texas. UTA scientists Drs. Kaushik De and Andrew White didn’t quit when the supercollider being built at Waxahachie was shut down. They had joined UTA to be a part of this new science and were committed to succeeding. For the last 10 or more years, De and White have worked on the Atlas project, the heart of the CERN accelerator. UTA built a 50-ton component integral to Atlas. De and White are professors of experimental physics at UTA. De’s prior position was with the University of Michigan and White from the University of Florida, Gainesville.
De and White are part of a group known as HEP, High Energy Physics. Included in this group of scientist are Andrew Brandt, Amir Farbin, Jae Yu, a number of research professors, post doctorate members and several graduate students, around a total of 17 experimental physicists. In addition, two theoretical physicists, Drs John Fry, formerly of LSU, and Zdzislaw Musielak, MIT and NASA, both with over 10 years at UTA, are working on fundamental problems of particle physics that are relevant to the experiments to be performed at CERN.
How will the scientists know what happens at the instant the proton’s collide? That’s where De and White earn their money. Twelve of the 17 people actively engaged in this project for the last few years have been busy writing computer programs to collect and collated the immense amount of data that will be generated when the protons finally smash head on. Images of particles radiated or torn from the colliding protons are captured by millions of pixels and transcribed into something the computer can understand. Fifty supercomputers scattered around the world will process the information. De and White, along with counterparts at each computer center, begin the job of collating the results to see if they’ve captured a picture of the universe’s beginning.
This is a massive chore. And it has to be done right or the experiment and resulting data are useless. That’s where the collective efforts of the UTA computer programmers pay off.
What about the science, what do they expect to find? What will it tell us? Existing colliders have given us names like Fermions, Leptons, and Quarks. So, what should we expect from the big CERN accelerator? The HIGGS BOSON. Sound impressive? Probably not. But to the scientists it means a great deal. Once identified, the Higgs Boson should contribute to the explanation of all mass in the universe.
Not enough for you? It will also contribute to the understanding of a unified field theory, or more plainly, how the universe was at the beginning, the holy grail of the scientific community. That’s what the CERN project is design to shed light on. The work of the UTA scientists is crucial to gaining this understanding.
How does it affect our lives? Dr. De says, "While it may be some time before the results of their mini big bang are known, we can find some comfort in the knowledge that sixty percent of GDP can be traced to Modern physics."
If the scientists are right with this one, it could lead to untold advances for human kind.But it doesn’t stop there. White is already looking forward to the next level in particle research. And that’s a linear collider. It’s called the linac. And UTA is poised to be a major player in this research as well.
And there may be more. The data transmission system utilized by CERN is called PanDA could well be the next internet. PanDa was originally proposed by UTA's. Dr. Kaushik De.

Monday, September 15, 2008



Is the end of mankind, the end of life on Earth a given? Is it a given that mankind will go out in a blaze of death and misery? Many believe it is. And how it comes about is clearly defined for some. Their understanding of what is to occur is rooted in biblical interpretation, and other prehistoric documents, some religious, others a collection of ancient manuscripts and artifacts. Groups may argue over precise interpretations but in general, they agree mankind is doomed to a cataclysmic ending. And it is preordained.
Perhaps they are right. But, the matter of is such import, that we should never hesitate to take a look at what is known; take a look at a few matters upon which we can all agree. But first, a simplistic review of how we are to exit this terrestrial veil.
Maybe I should declare myself. Born and raised in the Methodist Church, it is reasonable that many of my references and comparisons will stem from that upbringing and religious influence. However, I believe that will not alter my conclusions.
Science tells us earth is doomed to become a cinder in about four or five billion years. Well, by then if we haven't developed deep space travel and found ourselves another Eden, perhaps we should relax and let it happen. To put any suspicious minds at rest, this is not about space aliens, green or otherwise coming down and either lifting us to a new level of existence or having us for dinner.
One possibility is for a savior to come, save us from an end time of fire and unbelievable suffering. Deliverance. Some teach that we must suffer the deliberate destruction of mankind by an anti-savior who will dominate and betray us. The Antichrist. The great deceiver, who will require us to carry identification that will tell his minions from the nonbelievers. Cutting the nonbelievers from food and jobs, essentially, denying them a way to make a living and have a worthwhile existence. The deceiver will require absolute obedience or else. In each end-time description, different forms of retribution are poured out upon earth and its inhabitants in unmeasured scenes of death and destruction. Some believe they will be saved from the cataclysmic event by being taken to heaven just before the conflagration. Others will be resurrected and miss the pain and suffering. Whatever their individual fate might be, there remains some questions.
Every religion, every purveyor of living a correct life, the agnostic, and atheist acknowledge mankind has been given one thing. Choice. Lucifer certainly had choice while in heaven. As did a host of angels who chose to follow him. That must mean there is choice in the hereafter.
Let's explore choice. What does it really mean? How extensive is choice. Does it countermand God's will? Is it a gift of God? Did God grant choice even unto the end-time? What about beyond to the hereafter. Wouldn't that be something? Did God in granting us choice, give up the right to know how all this would turn out?
Without choice, there could be no religion or differences of opinion. Without choice, life would be successions of events with all of us subject to them without much if any say so. Yes, if we see a car coming toward us, we can chose to stop, and turn one way or another. That's one kind of choice. But this not only applies to humans, non sentient animals make choices daily in an effort to survive. The lion when to charge, the prey when to run, the bird when to fly.
In the Holy Bible, the scene depicted for Armageddon is horrific. The four horsemen bringing death and destruction without parallel. There seems really no hope. Either believe or meet an awful death. That is the choice. There's that word again. However, it seems to me the real issue should be choice as an instrument of joining with God or keeping one from God. To the writer the most terrible penalty that could be inflicted would be forever separation from God and knowing it. Some believe that unbelievers "shall become as if they never were". In other words, as if they never existed, no memory by loved ones, nothing. This may be the way God handles nonbelievers. Perhaps this is the best way to keep rebellion and mischief in check since eternity is a long time to keep order. One must remember choice still exists in the hereafter. Lucifer and his rebels had choice.
What is choice? Webster defines it thusly: act of choosing, power of choice, the best part of choice, many from which to choose, worthy of being chosen, to be preferred. To many but perhaps the agnostic and atheist, choice came from God. But even the agnostic and atheist have choice. The irony here is if choice did come from God, then the aforementioned dudes are in for a big surprise. If choice is a given right of mankind, who gave the right? Did it come with evolution? Might have. But if that is so, the right to chose between right and wrong, a God and no God, between an end-time and eternity it is an inherent right. Both of which are preordained in some religions. Do we even know? Or does God even know. Herasay? Well maybe, but then maybe not.
However, this raises a multitude of questions. Does God intervene in our lives? Does prayer help? Is it true that God answers prayers? When one say's "It's God's will". How do they know? Or "It wasn't God's will". Take your pick. Does God answer prayers? Do we know if a prayer was answered? Does prayer stop suffering? Why Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. Why are today people dying from hunger, disease and despots? The number of prayers offered to deliver victims of atrocities must be incalculable. Were they not answered? What happens if God intervenes? What happens if God doesn't intervene? Again, I must declare myself. I believe that God can intervene. Doesn't mean God will; doesn't mean hands off either. If God intervenes, will we know it? Can you imagine a world where you knew you could pray for help with the sure knowledge it would be granted? What happens when opposing views pray for a remedy over the same matter? Not going to happen.
What about the agnostic and atheist? It was their choice not to believe. It is through the right of choice that they came to their respective positions. They buy into the end time no matter which way it goes. Preordained or let 'er rip. The only difference, they don't have to worry about all of this. For me, I'd rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong.
How does this have anything to do with choice? Everything! First, let's look at how choice may affect the human condition. Lucifer had choice and decided to rebel. Did God retaliate? Some believe that in due course retribution was exacted. Our home, Earth, became isolated from direct communion with God because of Lucifer and Caligastia. So we are given the concept of prayer.
Is there a tiny element of God in each of us? Through prayer, we may ask God for guidance, deliverance, strength, to help another and many more bequests. Some say they have witnessed miracles from God. Do I deny this? No way. I suspect though, that when God does help someone that we as the general population will never know that feeling. What kind of world would we live in if we had only to pray and everything would be, as it should? Okay! Then who would win the football game when Baylor plays SMU or Notre Dame? What about Dallas and Philadelphia? No, we have only faith to direct us. However, that has nothing to do with choice and yet everything. Choice stands alone as the one fact that is undeniable.

Here's the cruncher.

Therefore, if God gave us choice then God must let our existence play out. Even God cannot know how all of this will end. Otherwise, there was no choice at all. It would have been a sham. If God preordained our final days, we would be like mice a maze, running for no reason at all and never knowing where we were headed. You see, giving us choice also requires that God have faith in us to make the right choice. Choice does not permit us the luxury of laying the blame for our decision off on others. Choice stands ahead of forgiveness as the supreme gift.